Location: Austin, Texas

Don't tell fish stories where the people know you; but particularly, don't tell them where they know the fish. -Mark Twain *note that all the events noted in this blog actually occurred but might be slightly over exaggerated to enhance the story as the author sees fit.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

My first time #1

I almost killed myself my dad and some poor old lady the first time I drove. I had turned 16 almost 5 months before. I had not taken any classes and I failed the driving test 3 times before I passed (Its all the fault of the stupid fine questions). Does anyone remember how much a ticket is if you get pulled over and dint have a seat belt on? Ya, well I couldn't remember either. I had just received my license and we were only going two miles up the road. My dad thought it would be a good idea for me to drive. We were going to visit my grandad who was in the hospital and I think my dad logic here was, "If we get in a wreck at least we will be close to the hospital." Most people by the age of 16 have already driven on many occasions, not me.

I climbed into the beast of a truck that we owned. A 1982 Chevy limited edition all steel beast. It looks like one of those old 1930's trucks. Very cool and I was very proud of it. My dad got in on the passenger side and my mom and the rest of the family were following in a car behind us. I started the truck and we pulled out of the parking lot. I didn't realize how hard you had to push on the gas to get the truck moving. I had to practically stand on the gas pedal and then it went from sitting still to 60 mph. It was a bit touchy. The hospital was just up the street and everything was going fine until I had to turn into the tiny side entrance that leads to the ER.

I would like to state for the record that my technique was flawless on the turn. I just didn't realize that you needed to slow down past 35 MPH to make a turn. When I took the turn a little old lady who probably just got out of the ER was pulling up to the intersection and I turned right into her. I am not sure how I didn't hit her. I just know that our eyes met and she looked like she was going to wet herself. I barley missed her car and was on the road and then off the road because I was still turning. I went off the road on the right, clipped a sign, just a little bit and skidded to a stop.

At this point the tea that my dad had been carrying was everywhere. I think he was mad but I really don't remember, I was kind of in a shocked state. I do remember looking over and seeing a whole car of my family laughing like they had just seen the funniest thing ever. My mom was crying she was laughing so hard. After that every time I wanted to drive everyone put on their seat belt and sometime fake scream when I turned.

That wasn't the first time I embarrased myself and it wont be the last.


Blogger Brendon said...

remember the walmart parking lot and how you thought my dad was gonna kill you...???

8:42 PM  
Blogger tshirtguy said...

Ya that will be another blog.

10:10 AM  

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