Limericks, tall tales and bears.....oh my!

Location: Austin, Texas

Don't tell fish stories where the people know you; but particularly, don't tell them where they know the fish. -Mark Twain *note that all the events noted in this blog actually occurred but might be slightly over exaggerated to enhance the story as the author sees fit.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Baur has more friends then I do

My nephew Baur is turning 1 sometime this month but we are having his party on Saturday, that may even be his actual birthday. I dont know.

Am I getting him something? yes, because Amy is making me. Would I normally? Nope, he's not going to remember it and I give gifts strictly on the principle that you will remember that I gave it to you and thank me for it. Will he remember it? Nope, but apparently someday he will spend two minutes looking through the thousands of pics his mom took that day.

Where are the pics of when I was one? I am sure my parents said the same thing but I dont see any pics. I plan on skipping my kids first birthday, talk about a pointless celebration that gets way out of hand.

And a perfect example of a birthday party getting out of hand is going to happen this weekend. He has 32 people coming. He wont even remember this day and 32 people are going to show up and shower him with presents. I am so jealous. I want presents and a bouncy house for all of us to play in. Hes not even 1 yet (maybe he is) and has more friends then I do.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Too cool for school

Lately we have been doing some very cool shirts for schools. I though I would post a few see what yall think.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Ugg Boot are just Ugg -ly....get it!?!

I hate Ugg boots. Unless you are dressing up to be pocahontas for Holloween or live where it is always cold and there is no access to socks and normal looking shoes, then and only then is it ok. The stupid things are expensive and unnecessary. When in Texas does it ever get so cold you need extra calf warming? No one would possibly buy these things for fashion. Look at the boots above. There is rubber, leather and fake fur all on one boot. That a smorgasbord of ugly.

At one point I had a lot of good stuff for why I hate them but I forgot all of those reasons and am left not caring anymore.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

The Slow Times

June is supposed to be our slow time of the year. I should be able to come into work late and leave early. I dont really have any plans to take a vacation and skip out for a week so instead I am just going to coast for then entire month of June. So far its been great. I leave at 5 everyday and go hang out with Amy.

The only flaw to my plan is that things aren't slow here. Not at all. Which makes taking it easy and just relaxing through the day quite difficult. In fact its just made me a lazy worker and that sucks. So much for my quite June.

In other news, does anyone else ever delete messages from people you dont want to deal with hoping that they will just go away? The never do.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Just Keep it to yourself

Until last week I was eating in a state of blissful ignorance and it was wonderful. You may not have known this but I will go ahead and enlighten you. Somebody somewhere did a special on TV about a study that was done by someone else about how no one washes the lemons that are cut up and used to flavor your tap water at a restaurant. Apparently they run these lemons through the trash before they cut them up and stick them in my ice tea or water and people are getting sick from them.

Its kind of ridiculous because I am the type of guy who would normally do the 5 second rule on just about any food but for some reason now I cant enjoy my drink with a lemon in it. My mind starts to imagine crazy things that could be on the lemon and ever since Nick gave me the amazing talk about just how long it takes bacteria to grow on most of our food I dont eat leftovers either.

So I just wanted to give a big thanks to nick and Gi for ruining the small things in life that I enjoyed.

Anyone else have anything to add?

Monday, April 28, 2008

Scrubs is back for another season

It will have two more episodes left on NBC and next year it will move to ABC. HERE

Pop Candy's top 10 Lost comments. HERE

Since Nintendo's patent on the NES has new NES gadgets are starting to pop up. How about a portable NES? HERE

Next month you will be able to watch Warner Brothers shows online. Its good babysitting material. All you have to do is turn on Batman and leave the room. HERE

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Cool things you should know about

Readers submitted lost theories to the guys who write the show and they commented on them. HERE.

Nintendo is finally after over a year or not being able to find one easily they are upping there manufacturing of Wiis by 30%. HERE.

These are the coolest RC car ever. I am not a big fan of RC cars but these are amazing. You control the car from a First Person Perspective. You could make all sorts of sweet tracks and race your friends. Its like having a real live version of Off Road. HERE.

Rands has a new post. He is pretty much my hero. HERE.

If you have a cool website that you read daily or find a fun article anywhere post it as a comment. I always need things to look at.

Revamped Rocksports Website

This is just a link to our site. The real address is but I needed to put up the other one for a google reference.