Limericks, tall tales and bears.....oh my!

Location: Austin, Texas

Don't tell fish stories where the people know you; but particularly, don't tell them where they know the fish. -Mark Twain *note that all the events noted in this blog actually occurred but might be slightly over exaggerated to enhance the story as the author sees fit.

Monday, November 26, 2007

December is my Holiday

I have two trips planned in December. This might not be out of the ordinary for most people but I am not really a traveler. Not that I dont enjoy driving or being in new places, I just would rather sit in my comfortable chair and relax that way. Planning a trip was always stressful and I dont really like the idea of stressing out when I should be relaxing. Traveling with fewer people makes it less stressful. Its nice.

Next weekend I will be in Vegas. Just me and my dad. I am pretty exited about this because I have never been there. He has been there plenty of times and when I told him we had the tickets I could see the plans already forming in his head. The only things I really want to do when I go there is see "O" and eat the 5 star buffet at that one place whos name I just forgot about, but its going to be amazing. I know I have an addictive personality so I am going to try and gamble as little as possible and on a strict budget. If you know of a fun place to gamble or a really good show let me know.

My next trip is still in the works but so far my plans are to leave on the 26th and head up to Keystone and stay with a friend. Its minutes from the slopes and free lodging. Plus I havent seen Brendon in about a year so its a good time to catch up. This will be my first time to try snowboarding. I have been skiing a bunch of times but never got around to trying snowboarding. I am sure I will have a good post to put up about that when I get back.

Things at work are still pretty crazy and I am exited that I will have a breather next month.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

TNT holiday reruns

As I am sitting at my desk avoiding work I was going to try and watch "Charlie Browns Christmas Story", but I couldn't. Its depressing. Charlie Brown makes me sad. I dont know why people would want to watch him. Maybe its just the mood I am in today. Another movie that does this to me is "A Christmas Story". Everyone know this movie and every time I watch it it makes me sad. The dad who wants the ugliest lamp known to man (actually thats pretty funny). The kid who gets his tongue stuck to a poll. The whole you'll shoot your eye out. The kid goes crazy and beats up the other kid. The fudge bomb slip and the kid who gets spanked for no reason. All of it! Its all depressing.

There is no real point to this blog. I just wanted to let the world know how I felt and when I type "the world" I mean the 3 people who read this blog.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Its me in an essay

Its weird and kind of fun to read an article that you can relate to in almost every way. I don't know if anyone else will find this interesting but I did.

Rands In Repose

Thursday, November 15, 2007

My first time #1

I almost killed myself my dad and some poor old lady the first time I drove. I had turned 16 almost 5 months before. I had not taken any classes and I failed the driving test 3 times before I passed (Its all the fault of the stupid fine questions). Does anyone remember how much a ticket is if you get pulled over and dint have a seat belt on? Ya, well I couldn't remember either. I had just received my license and we were only going two miles up the road. My dad thought it would be a good idea for me to drive. We were going to visit my grandad who was in the hospital and I think my dad logic here was, "If we get in a wreck at least we will be close to the hospital." Most people by the age of 16 have already driven on many occasions, not me.

I climbed into the beast of a truck that we owned. A 1982 Chevy limited edition all steel beast. It looks like one of those old 1930's trucks. Very cool and I was very proud of it. My dad got in on the passenger side and my mom and the rest of the family were following in a car behind us. I started the truck and we pulled out of the parking lot. I didn't realize how hard you had to push on the gas to get the truck moving. I had to practically stand on the gas pedal and then it went from sitting still to 60 mph. It was a bit touchy. The hospital was just up the street and everything was going fine until I had to turn into the tiny side entrance that leads to the ER.

I would like to state for the record that my technique was flawless on the turn. I just didn't realize that you needed to slow down past 35 MPH to make a turn. When I took the turn a little old lady who probably just got out of the ER was pulling up to the intersection and I turned right into her. I am not sure how I didn't hit her. I just know that our eyes met and she looked like she was going to wet herself. I barley missed her car and was on the road and then off the road because I was still turning. I went off the road on the right, clipped a sign, just a little bit and skidded to a stop.

At this point the tea that my dad had been carrying was everywhere. I think he was mad but I really don't remember, I was kind of in a shocked state. I do remember looking over and seeing a whole car of my family laughing like they had just seen the funniest thing ever. My mom was crying she was laughing so hard. After that every time I wanted to drive everyone put on their seat belt and sometime fake scream when I turned.

That wasn't the first time I embarrased myself and it wont be the last.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Does a good review ruin your opinion of a movie?

This last summer we had about 4 weeks of horrible blockbuster movies come out. I was exited about each one and every Thursday night I was at the theaters at midnight exited and giddy to watch a movie I had been wanting to see since the Christmas before. Each week I went home tired and pissed off because the movie sucked. I guess its my own fault really for getting exited about "The Silver Surfer" but come on! I am nerd I like comic book movies. I didnt have high hopes I just wanted more. It didnt help that ever five minutes Jenkins kept muttering, "This is the worst movie ever!" He hasnt seen "The Page Master" so he does really know the full extent to a crappy movie. Seriously though, if you haven't seen "The Page Master" I suggest getting a group of people together and watch because its two hours of the worst writing worst storytelling ever. Its amazing.

After those four weeks I was out 32 bucks and alot of sleep. I decided I would find a site that did reviews on shows and only see movies he liked. It took a couple of days for me to find someone who explained why a movie was crappy instead of just trashing the movie and not really listing any reasons. Finally I went to and used their reviews. It was tough because you see previews and you really want to see the movie and he tells you it sucks. Not only does he tell you it sucks he tell you that it isnt worth watching for free. Do you take the chance and waist your money? or do you just wait till you can find it on the net?

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Good Reading


This is a great source of good reading. If you have a chance I would recommend browsing around on the site.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Oh the joys of 6th Street

Friday was a long day for me. I spent most of it loading and unloading cookie dough. The most delicious cookie dough ever. I was pretty tired and I wanted to go home and just sit in my chair, play WOW, while eating Panda Express but I recieved a text saying that we were "going out". I wasnt down for 6th street but dinner at Baby A's sounded good.

I got off of work around 7:30 and made the drive up to Baby A's. I was just about to pull into the parking lot when I notice someone walking in a very exagerated, puffed up, elbows out, comical jaunt down the side of the road. After a quick laugh and a second glance I realized it was my friend. So, I stopped put the car in park and reached across my car to roll down the window. Why does it take all that effort to roll down my window? Because my arms are short and I dont have automatic windows. I have to lean over and reach as far as I can to turn the nob that rolls down my window.

So I finally get my window rolled down and I pull up next to him.

"Hey, where are you going?" I yelled at him.

"I Don't want any!" He yelled back.

"Hey, you need a ride." At this point I think he actually notice me. He started at me with squinted eyes and a look that said, "stay back I could vomit at any time". I wasnt worried though. I should have been.

"James?" He asked as if he hadnt seen me in years.

"Hey man, Where are you going?" At this point I knew he was wasted.

"I'm walking home." He almost started to walk again. It was like saying something also triggered the rest of his body.

"Get in Ill take you." It was a long walk home and I wasnt about to let him try and make it.

"Really? Sweet man I really appreciate it."

He got into my car and didnt roll up the window. about ten seconds after he got in he started to spit out the window, like he had a bad taste in his mouth and couldnt get it out. "Please dont throw up in my car." I said half joking.

To his credit he didnt. He leaned out and threw up all over the side and who cared about the side of your car? I dont. It took five mins to take him home and three were spent leaning outside the car one was spent apologizing and the rest was telling me about how he got engaged the week earlier and he was Celebrating.