Location: Austin, Texas

Don't tell fish stories where the people know you; but particularly, don't tell them where they know the fish. -Mark Twain *note that all the events noted in this blog actually occurred but might be slightly over exaggerated to enhance the story as the author sees fit.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Would you like Zucchini with that?

Ever since we moved from Cali to Texas we have had a garden. The first house we moved into we went crazy and had a huge garden. It was problably a 30 foot square full of squash, zucchini, onions, tomatos, beans, watermelon, if it grows in texas we had it. We even tried growing a couple acres of corn but all we got out of that is bugs. I have never seen so many bugs in my life. As a kid that field gave me nightmares. You would think that out of two acres of corn there would have been at least a handfull of corn to eat, but no i never saw any corn come out of there. Just giant scary looking beatles (full body shiver).

The garden my dad has now is alot smaller but is overabundant. He grew a two foot long zucchini that weighed in at 3lb. For my Truco fans, it looked like a basto. This thing was huge, and of course like a kid who caught his first bug, he brought it to work to show everyone :). When they get that big they lose alot of their good flavor so cutting them up and makeing something with them isnt the greatest idea but this one is perfect for stuffing so i think thats what he is going to do. Stuff it with mushrooms, onions, chicken and maybe some cut up bacon. that sounds good.

These plants not only produce huge zucchini but every day there are 8 more ready to be picked. We have zucchini everywhere. We are inventing new recipes. Zucchini in tortilla soup is good. Zucchini in every caserol you can think of. Would you like it in your egg or on a plate? how about fried up and stuffed in a crape? I think it would be nice in a stew. or stuffed with lamb, recipe cordon blue.

Ok, enough of that. Anyways, if you want to know what i have been eating latley there is a good chance it involves zucchini or some thing else from the garden.


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