Hi my name in James and I am a TV addict.
I used to take pride in the fact that I was not addicted to TV like the rest of the world but now I am just like everyone else. I have a show for every day of the week and of course I don't watch it when it comes on ...I have to record it so I don't have to sit through the commercials.
Monday nights its Studio 60, which is made from the guys who made Sports Night, my favorite show. Tuesday nights is of course House. Yes I know House is a predictable show but what happens has little relevance to why I like it. Its all about the dialog and all the witty things house says to people. Wed night is, and I am not afraid to admit that I like this show, Project Runway. Last week Kevin and Jenkins gave me such hard times about watching this show and when it came on they sat down and watched it with me and Jenkins I know liked it. Thursday nights is The ultimate Fighter. Friday nights I try to be out of the house watching movies or doing something social but if that fails there is always stand up.
what other good shows are on that I should check out?
Monday nights its Studio 60, which is made from the guys who made Sports Night, my favorite show. Tuesday nights is of course House. Yes I know House is a predictable show but what happens has little relevance to why I like it. Its all about the dialog and all the witty things house says to people. Wed night is, and I am not afraid to admit that I like this show, Project Runway. Last week Kevin and Jenkins gave me such hard times about watching this show and when it came on they sat down and watched it with me and Jenkins I know liked it. Thursday nights is The ultimate Fighter. Friday nights I try to be out of the house watching movies or doing something social but if that fails there is always stand up.
what other good shows are on that I should check out?
suggestions for TV viewing:
HGTV or the food network--and re-runs of Law & Order (SVU and Criminal Intent).
my life is more pointless than yours...feel better?
maybe if you watched TV at home on Friday till about 9:00 and then got up early to help your bros and sis's on the pitch would be nice.
being without cable for nearly a year now im behind on anything new out but tv on dvd is almost as good as tivo so i just finished all three seasons of arrested development and now working on firefly (scifi precurser to the movie serenity) both of which if u havent seen i think ud like.
i feel like you could get into grey's anatomy. you remind me of one of the characters. i won't tell you which one because i want you to watch and figure it out. :)
I don't think you'd like Grey's, it has become a soap opera. It's a good soap opera, but I don't think that's your style. But I could be wrong.
And if the character you remind rachel of is who I think it is, she's mean. That guy is a loser. You are not so much.
He's not a loser. He's the best guy on the show!
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