Location: Austin, Texas

Don't tell fish stories where the people know you; but particularly, don't tell them where they know the fish. -Mark Twain *note that all the events noted in this blog actually occurred but might be slightly over exaggerated to enhance the story as the author sees fit.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Consumed once again!

Since I got my laptop I have been sucked back into the realm of online gaming. Well I didn't really get sucked in, it was more like I run back and we hugged like old friends who had not seen each other for awhile. It was a nice reunion there were numerous people who were happy to see me come back and it was good to catch up with everyone.

Playing really effects my reading time. Once I pay off my laptop though I will get a subscription to and listen while I play. Right now I am in the middle of State of Fear. So far its good. Next up is Life of Pi.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

We would like to take this moment to say thank you James. We really enjoyed your presence these past few months. We enjoy your smile, and your laugh. Your energy running down the soccer field. Your ingenuity in the kitchen. Your commroddery on trips to the movies. We've enjoyed you and you will be missed.


4:20 PM  
Blogger Brendon said...

id just like to say "i like it" to the last post...

3:19 AM  
Blogger happytheman said...

sucked into the black hole again....I just finished "State of Denial" and they should have taken Rumsfield out back and switched him he's lucky he quit before I got there.

7:10 AM  

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