Please be a courteous bowler

Nothing is more distracting while you are trying to bowl then someone bowling next to you just runs up and bowls a ball while you are trying to. General bowling manners says that you do not enter the lane while the other person is bowling. You can grab your ball out of the ball return and get ready but do not step up onto the platform. Its not like there are alot of things you have to remember to do while bowling. That's really the only one I can think of. No, also don't talk to someone about how well they are doing if they are bowling a perfect game.
The only time these rules to not apply is if you have kids with you, and they are too young to understand. Still though you should try to keep your kids in the same lane that they are bowling in. Also they do not really apply to night bowling which I loath. That's where they turn all the lights off and turn the black lights on. No one bowls well except the guy who is loaded on lane 5 and I cant even keep by ball on the lane because every time I go up to bowl the strobe light shines my way and blinds me!
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