Starting the New Year out with a blog
Ok, So last month I didn't post. I know its bad, but I was on vacation and just didn't feel like it. I had a blast in Vegas. I started to write about it two or three times but only ended up saving the draft and walking away.
For Christmas I got a bunch of DVDs: LOST season 1,2 and 3, Phantom of The Opera, SNL Season 2, and a bunch of old Disney classics. I love it when my mom buys me stuff off of my list. I am tired of opening gifts on Christmas and seeing a velvet long sleeve button up shirt or "cool" corduroy pants. (Just a quick side note. Have you ever spelled a word so wrong that the spell checker couldn't help you? I just did that with the word corduroys. I wont even tell you how I tried to spell it.) My mom used to come up with stuff that I am sure was bought to see our reaction.
After Christmas Lindsey, Chaz (her dog), Nick and I all jumped in my car and drove to Keystone CO for some snowboarding or that was the plan anyways. Just in case you guys didnt know. Its really cold up in the mountains. So cold in fact that the whole time we were there the temp was either in the negatives or single digits. We did get one good day or boarding in. When I say we I mean Nick and Brendon who can actually board. It was the first time I had ever tried and I didnt plan on just picking it up quickly but I didnt expect to spend the whole day picking myself up off the mountain.
Here a few quick things you probably should know before you go snowboarding. If it is your first time....take lessons. I dont care how much they cost. Whats not a good idea is just to head straight to the top of the mountain and teach yourself. Yes, I did this. Why would I do this? Because everyone in the line on the bunny hill told me that you couldnt learn on the bunny hill because its not steep enough. Well, that just happens to be my favorite part of the bunny hill. But after 30 mins waiting in line to get on the ski lift to take me up to the top of the bunny hill and not moving anywhere I decided that they were right and somehow talked Lindsey into coming with me.
I would like to say that I successfully got off every ski lift that I went on without falling down. That the only thing I can brag about the whole day. From the top of the mountain to the bottom I was eating snow. I fell hard and a lot. Every time I fell I heard a unanimous "oooooooo" come from everyone around me. Sometimes there was laughter. It was alright though even though I ate it and probably spent more time resting on the side of the mountain then actually sliding down in the end...I made it. And by the time I reached the bottom I finally had gotten the hang of the whole thing. My body was shaking though from picking myself up over and over so I was done for the day.
The next two days were pretty much a whiteout, meaning it was snowing and the wind was blowing so hard that you could only see white in front of your face. Not really something I want to go out in for any reason.
too be continued.....
For Christmas I got a bunch of DVDs: LOST season 1,2 and 3, Phantom of The Opera, SNL Season 2, and a bunch of old Disney classics. I love it when my mom buys me stuff off of my list. I am tired of opening gifts on Christmas and seeing a velvet long sleeve button up shirt or "cool" corduroy pants. (Just a quick side note. Have you ever spelled a word so wrong that the spell checker couldn't help you? I just did that with the word corduroys. I wont even tell you how I tried to spell it.) My mom used to come up with stuff that I am sure was bought to see our reaction.
After Christmas Lindsey, Chaz (her dog), Nick and I all jumped in my car and drove to Keystone CO for some snowboarding or that was the plan anyways. Just in case you guys didnt know. Its really cold up in the mountains. So cold in fact that the whole time we were there the temp was either in the negatives or single digits. We did get one good day or boarding in. When I say we I mean Nick and Brendon who can actually board. It was the first time I had ever tried and I didnt plan on just picking it up quickly but I didnt expect to spend the whole day picking myself up off the mountain.
Here a few quick things you probably should know before you go snowboarding. If it is your first time....take lessons. I dont care how much they cost. Whats not a good idea is just to head straight to the top of the mountain and teach yourself. Yes, I did this. Why would I do this? Because everyone in the line on the bunny hill told me that you couldnt learn on the bunny hill because its not steep enough. Well, that just happens to be my favorite part of the bunny hill. But after 30 mins waiting in line to get on the ski lift to take me up to the top of the bunny hill and not moving anywhere I decided that they were right and somehow talked Lindsey into coming with me.
I would like to say that I successfully got off every ski lift that I went on without falling down. That the only thing I can brag about the whole day. From the top of the mountain to the bottom I was eating snow. I fell hard and a lot. Every time I fell I heard a unanimous "oooooooo" come from everyone around me. Sometimes there was laughter. It was alright though even though I ate it and probably spent more time resting on the side of the mountain then actually sliding down in the end...I made it. And by the time I reached the bottom I finally had gotten the hang of the whole thing. My body was shaking though from picking myself up over and over so I was done for the day.
The next two days were pretty much a whiteout, meaning it was snowing and the wind was blowing so hard that you could only see white in front of your face. Not really something I want to go out in for any reason.
too be continued.....
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