End of the week ramblings

I went shopping today for Foosball tables. The best one I found was at Sams. Its actually pretty nice. Its a sportscraft and they are a top maker of good ones. I plan on picking it up tonight so we will have it set up in time for the party tomorrow night. Aside from the foosball table the only thing I have no my list to buy now is the Nintendo Wii and that doesn't come out till Nov. 19th. Although we do need a sound system for the house. Our TV is def big enough but the speakers on it are horrible and most of the time we seem to have to TV turned up all the way. I have never had a tv where you even came close to turning it to its full capacity, it cant be good for the TV.
Maybe ill add that to my list of things I want for Christmas so I don't end up with last years gift. The top hat. I did a lot of caroling last Christmas because I had always wanted to do the whole outfit thing and go outside and sing to strangers. Well I did that a lot and besides snow and the cold weather it was a lot of fun. The only thing I needed was a tophat because the one I was using was a fake plastic one you buy at the party pig. It was pretty lame. So I mentioned to my mom that I needed one and when do I get it? Christmas morning, of course all the Christmas caroling is over and I cant use a 100$ hat till the following Christmas besides all the times I wore it around the house just to feel like I was getting some use out of it. Of course while we were moving from my apt I ruined the hat. GREAT! But that is what I do, I destroy all the nice things I own. It was very sad.
So, in order to not repeat last years gift I am going to ask for things that will help out the house. Hopefully Kevin will as for a microwave because I don't know how much longer he will survive trying to use the stove and oven. I wont buy one just for fact that it cracks me up watching him heat his leftovers in the oven. Plus its a good experience for him.
I haven't really cooked since I moved into the house. Not nearly as much as I want to. Me and Jenkins are going to have a frying night this Sunday. I plan to head to the store and grab a bunch of oil and tasty things to dip into it. I have a few things I am going to try out. Fried avocados, ore's, stuffed jalepenios, potatoes, and whatever else I see that looks good.
Yesterday I had the greatest lunch ever known to man. It was a simple meal consisting of a tortilla and everything in the chipotle restaurant. I got the burrito to go and when I got back to the shop I weighed it because it glorious and I wanted to know how much food I was about to consume. It weighed 2 lbs. Normally you can not get a Chipotle burrito that big but I found the key to achieving this. If they ask you a question just reply with either "both" or "all of them". It will usually cost one or two dollars more but the extra money is worth it because you get twice as much food. I ate it in 10 mins and was still hungry but that's only because my stomach is slow to talk to my brain...15 mins later I was full. Yesterday was a great day.
I recently dusted off my guitar and decided to play again. Now that Kevin is in the house and can help me I don't feel that I am wasting my time. I have a big problem with rhythm. I don't have any. Unless I am following someone I suck and even then its not pretty. Its a slow process but I am improving.
i get too full after a normal sized chipotle, thanks for reminding me im craving one, and there are none around...i have a nice, nice sound system for you but probably out of budget...i need a live in guitar teacher myself, i just got new strings finally yet i dont know how to put em on or tune it, doh...
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