Christmas blog

Every year my mom sends out a bunch of cards with the new family photo and an update on all of our lives. Its always interesting what she writes about me because well...i don't do anything exiting during the year. If i was going to write about myself it would be some like this.
James is still working at the shop and still playing video games.
That's all i got. I bet she words it a little differently but that's the basic gist.
So this is my Christmas blog where I update you on my take of what my family has been up to and of course the family picture.
My mom decided that this year we were going to start a new tradition (which I already think sucks) of waking up at 9am on black Friday and taking pictures in front of "the oldest tree in world". This tree apparently makes photos look better and will awe you. If you cant tell that the tree is amazing its because we are standing in front of it and you can only see a very small portion but if we did take a very far way shot where you could see the whole tree...THEN you would be amazed.
Apparently blogger doesn't want me to post a picture so I will have to try another time. Have i mentioned that I don't like the new beta blogger? First of all it tricked me into changing my blog from the old format to the new one and now it wont let me do all the things i normally do. Like changing my is to Is!
Hey finally it worked.
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