Location: Austin, Texas

Don't tell fish stories where the people know you; but particularly, don't tell them where they know the fish. -Mark Twain *note that all the events noted in this blog actually occurred but might be slightly over exaggerated to enhance the story as the author sees fit.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Its not that I am going to quit just that I wont write about them

TheJamesProject is officially dead. It was a great idea (or so they thought) we just ran into a few minor bumps like no one wanted to go out with me or write me back period. When the entire point of your blog rests on going on dates and you cant even get someone to write you back just to talk...your blog becomes pretty boring. So, instead of trying something else or going to extreme measures and seeing who else my mom could hook me up with we decided to call it quits and chalk this one up to a "nice try but it just didnt work out".

It was awkward and relatively fun while it lasted.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Oh wait, I was for this decision...


PS: I'd go out with you.

2:26 PM  
Blogger Rachel said...

sad day

10:04 PM  

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