Two bands worth listening too.
Jenkins found this band and told me to listen to them. I think they are pretty good. Last time we found a band like that it was Panic at the Disco and 4 months later they were everywhere so who knows.
Paper Route
This is a singer who is already big. I saw her last night on Conan and really enjoyed her music. So much so that I used my Itunes gift certificate to get her album and its really good.
Ingrid Michaelson
Paper Route
This is a singer who is already big. I saw her last night on Conan and really enjoyed her music. So much so that I used my Itunes gift certificate to get her album and its really good.
Ingrid Michaelson
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Hey, I heard Ingrid Michaelson on my mom's Sirius radio a few weeks ago and I totally loved her. I wrote her name down so I could go home and look her up, but I completely forgot about it until I just read it on your blog. So she's really good?
Ya, I have listened to her new cd at least 6 times now and I have yet to grow tire of it. Good stuff.
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