Location: Austin, Texas

Don't tell fish stories where the people know you; but particularly, don't tell them where they know the fish. -Mark Twain *note that all the events noted in this blog actually occurred but might be slightly over exaggerated to enhance the story as the author sees fit.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Quick Catchup

Its been awhile since my last post. There were a few times since then that I sat down and wrote stuff but after about 10 mins of writing I decided I didn't want to write anymore and just cleared what I had written. Sometimes I just done feel like it.

I guess I should start off where I left off on my last post. The last two days of the NY trip were pretty uneventful compared to what we had done before. We didn't go see any more shows or anything we just walked around and shopped. The flight home was quick because France was playing and I sat next to a very interesting man who told me all kinds of weird facts about himself. He was a computer nerd so of course we talked all about computers but this guy was on a way high level of nerd then me. I was in awe. YOU BUILD THE CHIPS? That's just crazy!!

Since then I worked three days that just seemed to fly by because I was in the server room the whole time trying to fix our network. I didn't set up our network so it was very difficult to fix what I didn't set up. In the end I got everything working but if someone who knew about networks were to walk in and look at how I had set it up they would probably laugh and then remark about how I should stay in sales. I enjoy sales much more then I ever would IT. Computers just don't make sense.

I spent Sunday-Tuesday at Kats lakehouse. This was the first time I had ever played on a lake before. I usually go and just fish and next time I go to kats that's exactly what I am going to do. I will bring my fishing gear and go to town while everyone is recovering in the morning.

I am really glad I made it out this time. Every other time I have been invited I have something come up or I am out of town. I had a blast but man is it exhausting. 4 min of tubing and I feel like I spent hours at the gym. My arms are on fire.

Overall it was a great vacation and I am spent. It actually feels good to be back at work.

Here is a little advice to any women who might read this. If you are currently in a relationship with a guy and are talking to a friend on the phone about that relationship and you while you are talking you say something like "oh he is not that bad I just tell you all the bad things" or "I know it sounds stupid when I say this but its really just too hard to explain". You are just justifying either dating a jerk or your situation really is that stupid. I tried to explain this to a friend last night but I apparently just couldn't see what she was talking about. NO, I see it perfectly from the outside with no bias other then I am your friend and want what is best for you. Its you who are stupid and continuously make shitty decisions that make your life more hectic. So to all the girls who read this. Listen to your friends when they tell you something sounds wrong or the guy really is a freaking idiot. You don't have to go all crazy and dump him or anything, no one is perfect but don't sit there and tell me what and angel he is for buying you crap.


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