Limericks, tall tales and bears.....oh my!

Location: Austin, Texas

Don't tell fish stories where the people know you; but particularly, don't tell them where they know the fish. -Mark Twain *note that all the events noted in this blog actually occurred but might be slightly over exaggerated to enhance the story as the author sees fit.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Congratulations you have won a boat!!!! sort of....

Yesterday while I was out a guy trying to get people to apply for a credit card company was standing out in front of Circuit City. Normally when you think credit card application you think, "No thank you", but I saw the sign that says win a free boat and well, I was intrigued. I wasnt really interested, I dont have any credit cards and dont plan on getting any but I hesitated for a second and like all good salesmen he saw it and cornered me (he really just asked for a minute of my time).

So I asked him, "Whats up with the boat? What kind of boat is it." Seems like a stupid question seeing that there was a picture of the boat in the water but it turned out to be a good move. He quickly reply that it was the latest RCA model. I thought Wait a sec....when did RCA start making boats? So I asked him if it was just a remote control boat. Of course it was. He sold me on a boat. I was interested and MIGHT have applied for a chance at winning a big boat, one that I can get in while its in the water and fish from. Not a toy that is going to cost me 1000 dollars in batteries What a coincidence though I that would have a credit card with which to purchase them, how convenient.

So I smiled and said, my late, "No thank you" and walked in the store to buy batteries for the 15.00 helicopter I bought so me and Zimmer could crash it at the shop.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Being out numbered

Gibbs the other day was making fun of me and my gaming habits only to look up at the people he was with and realize that he was the only person who didn't play wow. With Jules and Jenkins getting on the Wow train and Andy already playing he quickly retracted his statement. Its fun that more and more of my friends can enjoy the greatest video game ever made. The sad thing about it is none of us play together and we cant play together, unless we all start over. Its very sad.

This will be in my next build

It doesnt come out for a few weeks now but it will be the focal point that I build my new computer rig around. Its the fastest video card to day and its not even over 500 bucks! Sign me up!

The Latest and Greatest

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Head Tracking

This is the coolest idea that I have seen for quite some time. It takes technology that is already being mass produced and tweaks it for a new gaming experience. If the Wii gets a game using this technology I will get one.

Youtube link

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Oh the choices

It sucks that as you get older your toys get more expensive. Right now I want a new lens for my camera. It will only run me about $600 bucks and that is not the good one. I would also like to build a computer. A good one. To go along with my sweet monitor that I just got. That will run me around $1500. And last but not least I need a new bowling ball, around 200 bucks. Well I dont NEED but I could really use a new one. JL, a guy I bowl with, says he is going to hook me up because he has like 30 at home so we will see if that happens or not. It would be sweet if he did. Then all I would need is for them to be re-drilled.

Do I need any of this stuff. Nope. Now I just need to choose what I am going to get first. The lens is a pretty big upgrade my lens now is just a generic one and it has very little zoom.

The more I try and justify getting a new computer the more I realize I dont need one, so that will be the last thing I get.

what to get? ohh the choices.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Another T-shirt Site

Shirt a Day

It seems like last week every other phone call was from another online t-shirt website. I love the fact that everyone thinks this is a good idea. It is, but you have to watch out for the pitfalls. There are a thousand t-shirt sites and you have to be specific. If you are generic about your website it wont get any hits and you will be lost in the all of the other sites. Anyways I dont want to jump on soapbox.

This website is a good one and it looks like we will be printing their shirts.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

What no tic-tac-toe application?

When I first joined facebook I really liked how clean it looked compared to myspace. You didnt have adds everywhere and it seemed to work 90% of the time as opposed to the 10% that myspace worked. Lately though it seems that there is an application for everything.

At first I just accepted any and all applications just to see what they were but last week I wanted to look and see if I could find an old comment someone had left me and it took like 10 mins to find because I had to scroll through 100000 lines of crap just to get to my comments. That was when I killed all the applications. Done.

Dont invite me to take a quiz to see if I know quotes from the movie Snow White, or if we are compatible as drinking buddies. No, I dont want to play poker with you.

What is Flixter?

Last random note. Say the work application 10 times and it starts to sound weird.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Shirts Unique

Shirts Unique

The website is just starting up and we dont have many designs at the moment but give it time and we will have more. If you have any Ideas for t-shirts let me know and I will make it happen.

Bookmark the link and check us out from time to time. We will be making changes in the near future.

Big Money, Big Prizes....I love it!

I got in my new monitor today for the computer that I have yet to build. I figured I would not go the cheap route this time and buy a good but dated computer. I want to go for the next best thing, so I wont have to upgrade for a few years.

The monitor I got is a 22" wide screen and is huge! I hooked it up to use it as my work computer and everyone who walks by my office stops in to take a peak. I will be watching lost episodes during lunch ...and after.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Two bands worth listening too.

Jenkins found this band and told me to listen to them. I think they are pretty good. Last time we found a band like that it was Panic at the Disco and 4 months later they were everywhere so who knows.

Paper Route

This is a singer who is already big. I saw her last night on Conan and really enjoyed her music. So much so that I used my Itunes gift certificate to get her album and its really good.

Ingrid Michaelson

Monday, January 14, 2008

Take the money and run?

If you haven't seen No Country For Old Men and plan to you might not want to read below.

I watched No Country for Old Men over the weekend and I loved it. Its the most intense movie I have ever seen. There is no soundtrack that plays awful high pitch dissonant chords to create a suspenseful moment, it was the look on the characters faces, you could feel what they were feeling. I am pretty sure if I ever ran into the guy who played Anton (Javier Bardem) in the street I would turn around and start running.

There was one question I had throughout the movie though. Why take all the money? In the movie a guy is out hunting in the middle of the Texas desert and out in the middle of nowhere runs into a drug shootout. No one is alive and there are trucks and dead people everywhere. He looks around for a little bit and as he is leaving finds a man who tried to get away only to die sitting next to a tree. Next to this man is a big satchel full of money. Why in the world would you take all of the money?

If he is going to take the money, which is a stupid risk, then I would suggest not taking all of it. Do you think they are going to hunt you down for only two or three bundles? That is still a good sum of money and I dont think they would even realize that part of the money is gone until they counted it and by then all your tracks and whatnot would be gone.

Would you take the money?

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Things I dont get

- Website who have a cool product but don't put the price. (Yes we know you love our product but you must e-mail us to find out how much it costs!)

- Guys who refer to their girlfriend/wife as their "old lady". (I didnt even realize you weren't talking about your mom until halfway through the conversation. Can't you think of something nicer to call her?)

- Drinking with no game or food in front of me. If we are all sitting around playing somthing (anything) then things are good. I don't understand the point of a bar.

- People who have no pride in their work. I don't care what you do take pride in it and do it to the best of your ability.

- Vegetarians. I dont understand not eating meat. If you dont like it thats one thing but not eating it on purpose? why? I love veggies, mushroom and tofu I completely understand how people could get addicted to it but most of the time my Vegetarian friends are eating a soy burger or a chicken paty that isnt chicken. Why? Just eat the real thing. I promise it wont kill you.

- People who don't call to confirm e-mails when they arent getting a response.

"Yes, I have left you 10 e-mails and you havent responded to one of them and I need my shirts tomorrow, what are you going to do about that?"

They always have my e-mail address spelled wrong.

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Starting the New Year out with a blog

Ok, So last month I didn't post. I know its bad, but I was on vacation and just didn't feel like it. I had a blast in Vegas. I started to write about it two or three times but only ended up saving the draft and walking away.

For Christmas I got a bunch of DVDs: LOST season 1,2 and 3, Phantom of The Opera, SNL Season 2, and a bunch of old Disney classics. I love it when my mom buys me stuff off of my list. I am tired of opening gifts on Christmas and seeing a velvet long sleeve button up shirt or "cool" corduroy pants. (Just a quick side note. Have you ever spelled a word so wrong that the spell checker couldn't help you? I just did that with the word corduroys. I wont even tell you how I tried to spell it.) My mom used to come up with stuff that I am sure was bought to see our reaction.

After Christmas Lindsey, Chaz (her dog), Nick and I all jumped in my car and drove to Keystone CO for some snowboarding or that was the plan anyways. Just in case you guys didnt know. Its really cold up in the mountains. So cold in fact that the whole time we were there the temp was either in the negatives or single digits. We did get one good day or boarding in. When I say we I mean Nick and Brendon who can actually board. It was the first time I had ever tried and I didnt plan on just picking it up quickly but I didnt expect to spend the whole day picking myself up off the mountain.

Here a few quick things you probably should know before you go snowboarding. If it is your first time....take lessons. I dont care how much they cost. Whats not a good idea is just to head straight to the top of the mountain and teach yourself. Yes, I did this. Why would I do this? Because everyone in the line on the bunny hill told me that you couldnt learn on the bunny hill because its not steep enough. Well, that just happens to be my favorite part of the bunny hill. But after 30 mins waiting in line to get on the ski lift to take me up to the top of the bunny hill and not moving anywhere I decided that they were right and somehow talked Lindsey into coming with me.

I would like to say that I successfully got off every ski lift that I went on without falling down. That the only thing I can brag about the whole day. From the top of the mountain to the bottom I was eating snow. I fell hard and a lot. Every time I fell I heard a unanimous "oooooooo" come from everyone around me. Sometimes there was laughter. It was alright though even though I ate it and probably spent more time resting on the side of the mountain then actually sliding down in the end...I made it. And by the time I reached the bottom I finally had gotten the hang of the whole thing. My body was shaking though from picking myself up over and over so I was done for the day.

The next two days were pretty much a whiteout, meaning it was snowing and the wind was blowing so hard that you could only see white in front of your face. Not really something I want to go out in for any reason.

too be continued.....